Activation for Funko during Comic Con 2016. This installation was centered around the 75th anniversary of Captain America and used a 6' life sized Funko Captain America Doll.
Activation for Funko during Comic Con 2016. This installation was centered around "Funko Fundays" and used a 6' life sized Golden Funko Doll.
Activation for Funko during Comic Con 2016. This installation was centered around "Funko Fundays" and a live actor in a Funko Doll costume to pose with guests.
Activation for Funko during Comic Con 2016. This installation was centered around the 75th anniversary of Captain America and used a 6' life sized Funko Captain America Doll.
Description - Pixster staged and photographed 3 unique user experiences for Funko Funday guests during Comic Con San Diego 2016. Two of the activations utilized life size Funko dolls guests could pose with. One of the activations utilized an actor dressed as Freddy Funko.
Location - San Diego (2 day)
Total Users: 816
Emails Captured: 309
Facebook Users: 84
Instagram Users: 27
Twitter Users: 19
Total Social Reach: 59,119